What’s Your Ring Size? Lucky in love?

I’ve said it before. Having chubbier fingers means I have always felt reluctant about going into jewellery shops and treating myself to a special ring or 2. BUT after using a couple of ring sizers I have realised that actually, my fingers are not THAT chubby and secondly there are quite a few retailers that do stock larger size rings. It’s just about knowing your size and doing a bit of research.

Well, I’ve been on a bit of a ring mission since finding that I can wear some lovely pieces. I’ve found Pia Jewellery and their gorgeous silver rings. But even better then this they have created this cut out and keep ring sizer. I tried it and it actually worked!

Pia Jewellery Ring SizerSometimes something so simple and easy makes such a difference. If you don’t want to go and get your fingers measured in a posh jewellery shop, use this in the comfort of your own home and window shop away. After measuring my finger using the chart above (literally print and cut it out!) it worked out I was a size S/T but in future I know I am an S.

Pia Jewellery

This is the ring I decided on and I think it’s a gorgeous piece. It’s called lucky in love’ which is a lovely name and the design is just beautiful. It came packaged in a lovely little pink box draped in velvet fabric. The silver ring is interwoven and almost looks like tree branches which is incredibly stunning and pretty.

Pia plus size rings

The gold plated heart just adds a touch of elegance and I have to say, without being able to measure my fingers at home I would never even know what size to be looking for let alone know if somewhere like Pia jewellery stocked my size! But look at this. It’s beautiful!

Pia silver Jewellery

There is also a pendant to match which I have my eyes on. It would be a shame to not have the set. Don’t you agree?

