Food Cravings: 5 Possible Causes To Get to the Root Of

Your mind can play strange tricks on you when it comes to eating. You might find yourself craving a certain type of food without consciously thinking about it. Many of us can find ourselves eating, even when we are not particularly hungry. That might prompt you to ask why am I always hungry even after eating? There are a variety of reasons why you might behave in this way. Stress and boredom are plausible causes, amongst others. You also might find yourself craving certain foods, even when you are full. Here are some potential reasons why you are experiencing these…

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Smoothie Facts: A Fun Way To Keep Yourself Healthy

Smoothies are becoming an increasingly popular way to enjoy a nutritious snack packed with vitamins and minerals. Best of all, people of all ages enjoy these delicious treats, often made from fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious choices. Smoothies are also convenient because people can enjoy them on the go. With so many ways to make them, smoothies offer fun for your tastebuds. What Are the Benefits of Enjoying Smoothies? Smoothies are quick to make and inexpensive. Individuals do not need expensive ingredients or equipment to make them. With healthy fruits and vegetables and the right Blender, making smoothies is easy,…

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How to start home cooking

Looking to become more of a chef in your own home? Planning and cooking meals at home can feel like a huge task for anyone. You’ll need the right ingredients and time to get things right but in return, you’ll enjoy many benefits including your great-tasting food. According to data collected in 2022, just 47% of Brits say they’re fairly good in the kitchen, which leaves a huge amount of us with plenty of room for improvement. Fortunately, when you combine easy recipes with the right equipment and apply a can-do attitude, culinary success is sure to come your way…

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Easy home made beef pie recipe for the family

Do you ever feel stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to family meals? I want healthy but hearty meals, that are nutritious but don’t cost the earth, that is quick and easy to make but isn’t boring! It’s so difficult, isn’t it!?I grew up having dinner around the table as a family and I now do this with my family as much as possible. But it’s hard to tick all of those boxes, isn’t it? Well, we recently tried Swaledale butchers, an online butcher that not only offers amazing quality and great meal inspiration, but…

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Holiday Cocktails at Home

I am craving a holiday. Seriously. Walks on the beach, jumping around in the sea, amazing food and sunshine. I’d even give up my relaxation and go on a family holiday! My little ones still haven’t been on their first holiday and I’m not sure when we will. But I’m putting it on my vision board and I know we’ll make it happen. We’ve been away in the UK and the boys have loved it! Me and Chiino, my husband, are both double jabbed, so it’s just a matter of time before we have our first family holiday. We might…

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